Contact us


At Renewal Strength & Body, we value your appointments and understand that sometimes they may need to be rescheduled or canceled. We are more than happy to assist you with this, but we kindly request that you inform us at least 24 hours in advance of any changes. This allows us to offer the space to other clients looking to visit us. Failure to comply with our 24-hour notice policy will result in a cancellation fee of 50% of the scheduled spa service. No-shows are included in this policy.

*All personal training clients who do not allow for a 24 hour cancelation will be charged for a full session.

We are a small business and rely on our policies to maintain the quality of our services. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in helping us provide the best experience to all our clients. We look forward to seeing you soon!
(484) 315-8369

842 Street Road

West Chester, PA 19382